News & Events

Santa Fe Pro Musica Moves In

We proudly welcome Santa Fe Pro Musica to our community here at Pacheco Park. Begun in 1997 by a young New Mexico couple, eminent woodwind musicians Tom O’Connor and Carol Redman

Sweetwater Harvest Kitchen – Restaurant Week!

Santa Fe’s beloved choice for healthy + yummy global cuisine! Two time trophy winner, “Best Of,” at the Souper Bowl, specializing in local, organic + conscious menus w/gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, paleo options. Entire dinner menu is gluten free!

DaVinci Body Studio Santa Fe

Join us for some Retail Therapy | Friday February 22nd 5:30 to 8:00pm | Clothing and Accessories pop up | Wine, Snacks and Camaraderie!

Valentine Pop-Up Market at Que Tenga Buena Mano

Santa Fe’s Que Tenga Buena Mano folk art business turns 50 (yes, five-zero) on January 31. As part of our month-long celebration, we are proud to host local artist and designer Andrea Soorikian on Saturday, February 9 (11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) as she presents her 2019 Valentine Wreath Collection. “Andrea makes wreaths using tin […]

Huge Sale Saturday Sept 8!

Huge Multi-Business Warehouse Sale
Saturday, September 8th 9am – 1pm
Form + Function | Santa Fe by Design

Floery Mahoney named a 2018 Finalist!

Floery Mahoney, Founder of Da Vinci BodyBoard has been nominated for a Tory Burch Foundation award. The Tory Burch Foundation Fellows Program is designed for women entrepreneurs – providing the community of support they need to connect, learn, and grow their business.

Da Vinci Body Studio on Local Flavor Cover

The Year of the Core
According to the Chinese zodiac, it’s the Year of the Dog, however, my personal zodiac informs me it’s the Year of the Core. When I shared my 2018 focus with Floery Mahoney at her Da Vinci BodyBoard flagship studio in Santa Fe, we knew our meeting was kismet.

La Farge Foundation for Folk Art Video

Folk art is a mechanism for storytelling and values transmission. To understand a community, we examine its artifacts, not just the tools of its industry, politics, and commerce, but the essential “non-essentials”, the ornaments, fetishes, and toys that reveal perspectives on matters of spirit such as rivalry, aggression, tolerance, faith, finitude, and love.